What We Weigh!

We haven't been to the pediatrician in ages! SOOO, I guess we weigh about 24 pounds now...(May 10)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


All right everyone, we have set the date for their birthday party! Seeing as their actual birthday falls on a weekday, we are having the party on May 17, a Saturday, at our house. We'd love it if you all could come and celebrate with us and we decided to do it at 2 p.m. so people traveling don' thave to leave really early and don't have to be gone really late. That is still a LITTLE open to negotiation, but the date is a definite.

Anyone and everyone in the family is invited, of course, and we'll get invitations out as soon as we can, but please save the date! We hope to have good weather, because the house would be a BIT tight if we don't, but at least we have parking availability! And it's easier to deal with the babies here than to take them elsewhere.

Oh, and JILL! I totally forgot what you do for a living! If you wouldn't mind e-mailing me, kat2032@verizon.net, I'd love to ask you a couple questions! I'm still waiting for the EI woman to call me back about coming out to talk about the girls and see if they are even eligible, but in the meantime, I'd love advice!

Take care everyone!

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