What We Weigh!

We haven't been to the pediatrician in ages! SOOO, I guess we weigh about 24 pounds now...(May 10)

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Cross your fingers and toes...

I'll start with the good news...

Eve is up to full feeds! She is still on the tube feeds, but they are trying her on bottle feeds too because that is what she has to master now. They took out her PICC line (IV type thingy) and she is only on a little O2 to keep her levels steady. They actually said today that she could possibly be moving to an intermediate care nursery if they decide to move someone there soon. That's great and definitely a step closer to being home.

While Eve still needs your support and prayers, Lily needs them more right now. Today, Lily threw up an ugly puddle of dark green, chunky stuff and it was no fun to see. The nurse showed the throw up to the residents who were on today and they came in and checked her bowel sounds and felt her tummy. The bowel sounds were good, the tummy was "nice and soft" but they still don't know what is wrong with her. She can't take any feedings by mouth and hasn't been able to for a while. She keeps on having green stuff come out of her. And she isn't pooping as far as I know without suppositories. I'm getting increasingly worried, naturally, and I would say Google is both a blessing and a curse. Other than THAT problem...she's PERFECT. Breathing awesome, awake and alert, peeing NOT a prob based on that lovely diaper I changed, and she doesn't appear to have any pain or stomache distention either. SO yeh, we're still in the dark about her digestion (lack thereof..) I was HOPING when I saw the vomit come up that perhaps that had been in there and needed to come out for her to start feeding normally. But I'm not sure. They are going to do "tests" on her and I'm probably going to go out of my mind worrying and wondering what is going on. I posted a new video of the little bugger below the posts. She is too cute and you'd never know looking at her that she is having problems. Please, pray for her.

On a side note, the girls are TWO WEEKS OLD now. And I went in for my two week check-up and all looks good. I actually weigh LESS than I did before getting pregnant. Don't ask how I managed that, but I'd say it's largely because I was almost all baby weight (and all that comes with babies...)

All right, off to bed because I think I want to spend most of the day at the hospital tomorrow to be with Lily and see what the results of the tests are and hopefully, God willing, we will get some good news.


Clover said...

How scary- I hope they can figure out what's wrong with Lily's digestion. And stay away from Dr. Google- he's evil!

Kate said...

Thanks...yeh, bad Dr. Google...